colt python remake

Took me 36 years to find that out. If Taurus or anyone else made a revolver that looked like a Python and didn’t explode in my hand Id give them my money instead of Colt. colt python 357 for sale and auction. Colt claims they have one smooth pull all the way through now and the reviewers seem to be concurring. ?????. No discernable change in end-shake or other obvious wear. Even if I had a spare $1500 to spend, I would not spend it on a Python, or even a .357 for that matter. What it would look like remains to be seen. 2. The edge of the sword was made super hard and sharp, the body slightly less hard and the core left soft so the blade would not shatter on impact. It’s overpriced for what it is. Is a reproduction Colt Python coming to us via Italy? Oh well always wanted one but didn’t want to pay asking price for old ones. If someone’s going to go broke buying one, then that’s on them. I enjoyed them, but the triggers need work. I agree, my 686 no dash 7and3/8 will shoot with or better than either Python, the only thing better on the Python is the double action. I wonder if they’re gonna bring back the Anaconda as well. Colt experimented with MIM parts in the early ’90’s but abandoned the effort when they saw the problems with their 1911’s. Have two Pythons from the 60’s that are new in the box (blue) and a SS that I have shot the hell out of including a boar hunt where I killed a fine European Boar that provided pork for some time. They stopped making the original Python because it cost too much to make for a decent profit at the price they had to charge for it. wait till rock island makes one for $399. vlad, vlad, vlad . (Photo: Colt). The only problem is that the men (and probably a few women) who helped build the snake guns that earned Colt its reputation have LONG since retired. I’ll watch reviews on this gun and if it meets the demands of a very skeptical gun public I’m in. I’ll gladly pay $1500 to get it back in my collection. ultimate with mirror polished finish. One shot maybe 50 times. MAY THE FIREARMS MANUFACTURES WHO USE THEM ALL BURN IN HELL FOR AN ETERNITY. Colt Python Brand new, current production Python in 357 magnum with 6" barrel and Factory Engraved. Funny how some just keep harping about getting something cheaper. If this gun is nearly as tight as the original it is worth the $1500, even with the stainless finish. The new Colt M16A1 Reissue will be a limited release item that should be available in the early part of 2017. I’ll never sell it. All Rights Reserved, New for 2020: The Colt Python is BACK in 6, 4.25-inch Stainless Models. A Cobra is far from a Python in quality and feel. I always liked the design but who wants to spend 2X or 3X on a revolver that’s outdated? They have millions of air holes in them called posterity. Changes that came as part of the reboot included re-designing the internals to trim the number of parts (14 less to be exact), thus streamlining the trigger group, while improvements were made to reinforce the new Python through the use of stronger stainless steel alloys. Although, I am wondering if these will have the same tool marks under the top strap as the Cobras and King Cobra (my only big disappointment with the gun). For $1500? One popular sword made in England had to have the makers name and “original” engraved on it because so many rip off artists were making cheap ass copies of it in Europe. If this manages to be nearly as good as their namesake or even as good as S&W models from before 1990, it’s probably worth it to those that want a big iron. I ponder why the other experts of this sector don’t notice this. The forging can be made much thinner and if given the right heat treatment is actually much stronger than a casting because if both are the same thinness there is no casting made that will equal the strength of a heat treated forging. The people who are saying this is a status symbol have just told us the quality of their gun cabinet, lol. That was my first handgun I ever bought. Had a 6 inch python back in 1975 when I was in the Marine Corps. And that’s exactly what they get. It’s almost perfect and I get people offering to buy it whenever I go to a range with it. Building on Colt’s Snake Gun legacy, the legendary double-action revolver returns in stainless steel in 4.25” and 6” barrel lengths. The currently manufactured Colt SAA made by Colt does not have a transfer bar. My .357 needs (well, okay, wants) are – and have been for some time – met by a S&W TR-R8, fits my hand well and shoots like a dream, and MSRPs for about $150 less than the Python. Not gonna do that to the 4 digit E series (whch has taken critters). It’s nowhere near as bad as the SAAs, but they are selling out and are all successes for Colt. Just as their overpriced for what you got ARs didn’t support the company, neither will this over-priced revolver. Have never shot it. Thanks for viewing! The tank-like build and lack of a side plate are because Ruger uses a cast frame. Nonsense. Would I pay that much for it? Supposedly the old Pythons stacked horribly when shooting double action. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I think I have a good investment!! One was junk and was sent back and the other was pristine and like new which I kept. Baldini has more details on the new Python in the video below. The New Colt Python has all the best elements of the old-school revolver Colt is known for and several innovative features that make this gun stand out. They never fit my hand correctly, so I sold mine, a 6″ barrel version. The new Colt Python.357 Magnum is set to retail for $1499 MSRP. The big “I” frame .357 Magnum (although some .38 Special target models were made) was king of the block when it came to wheelguns for generations, which caused prices on used snake guns to skyrocket when the Python was put to pasture in 2005. Have an older one that was left to me from my godfather in his will. There have been some cost-cutting measures done here, one of such is to not offer the gun with the legendary blue job that Pythons had. . You’ve never actually held a revolver in your hands, have you? And yes, that Python action (the same action as the old OMT and OMM) can go out of time. if plastic striker fired guns are your thing, then have at it, your money. But having said all that, the original Pythons are nice revolvers to own, and Ill probably never sell mine, even at the ridiculous prices that they seem to go for today. What non performance center gun does smith make that has an 8-9 pound DA trigger pull? It was first introduced in 1955, the same year as Smith & Wesson's M29.44 Magnum.The Colt Python is intended for the premium revolver market segment. A couple might actually carry them. It is Barry Burton 's primary weapon throughout the original game. The Kimber K6 starts at around $700 and goes up to a grand–and that is a Cobra competitor. I’m willing to pay to get the look I like if it functions well enough. Then you’re not the target consumer. 3″ from a rest at 25 is more like 8-10″ kneeling at 50 yards. However, with the Cobra release in 2017, it looked as though Colt was back in the revolver game in a strong way – and this new Python does seem to be a vindication of that idea. I’ll stack my 6” 586-2 up against a Python all day long. My 16 Year Journey with the Sig Sauer P229. Of these three, only the Colt Python was a radically new design, even though it could trace its ancestry back to the Army Special, a popular .38-caliber double action that had been in the line since 1908 and was rechristened the Colt Official Police in 1927. Never owned one but the couple that I have shot had the smoothest factory triggers i ever felt on a .357. But is what you pay worth what you get? I thought leaf springs were the key to the Python’s vaunted trigger pull. Have you priced guns lately? I bought a colt python in 1966 or ealier…as a present for my husband who was a policeman. We came across SCCY’s new striker-fired DVG-1 pistol at the F.I.R.E. I’d like a 5″ or 6″ Rhino, but don’t want to shell out the cash for the new one my LGS has, a bit too pricey at this time in my life. With a 13+1 capacity in 9mm (12+1 in .40S&W), the P229 still carried enough cartridges to give someone who carried two extra mags 40 rounds on tap. Python (6") The Python is back! He also found the hand and bolt to be too soft as to hold up for long, so replaced them with colt SAA parts. The parts, especially the lockwork parts, were hand-fit. Sell your colt python 357 for FREE today on GunsAmerica! That was a Smith and Wesson model The new and relaunched Python is the perfect example of a traditional revolver with a modern twist. They’re teetering on bankruptcy as they have been for at least a decade or two. If Colt can match their quality for $1,500 or less, they have a winner. I kinda hope I’m wrong if the current management is serious about guns……for armed citizens …not just government agencies. Those now start at $1800 with the classic Colt black rubber grips. The Colt Python was first introduced in 1955; models dated from 1955 through 1963 were handmade and featured either a Royal Blue or Bright Nickel finish. Vlad…Castings are pure junk? . They’re still surviving on their name. Mechanically, they also had a tendency to get out of time with heavy use. These .38-Special-marked guns are among the rarest of Pythons, with just 3,489 blued models produced. This new Python lives up to the legend in every way.”, Colt describes the stainless finish on the new Pythons as “semi-bright.” Sorry, gang, no Royal ColtGuard E-Nick or Royal Python Blue at this time. Smiths are not what they should be and many of their models still have the you know what. Like a tapered bore and tons of hand-fitting? Will colt release the new Python at Shot Show 2020? “We took our time on R&D – we needed to be sure the look and performance of this redesign lived up to its legendary name and kept its impeccable reputation for quality and accuracy. Players can obtain the python by inserting the red gem into the eye of the tiger statue within the mansion. Colt,historically has been in and out of bankruptcy since it’s inception. I don’t think the Colt SAA has ever had one. I shot it once and put it back in the safe for future generations to admire and or drool over. “The testing process included over 40,000 trigger pulls on a single Python,” said Colt in a statement. Agree with you on something. I’m sure, you have a huge readers’ base already! At least in the past it was true. But if it’s not a Colt, it’s a copy. Precisely! Today is April 15 and I can’t find one anywhere. Those who are hoping for the second coming of the original Python are going to be disappointed. Cost (and hence price) are driven by the Colt manufacturing process and the hand fitting required. Now the vintage ones will drop in price. What year is your Colt? But they aren’t going to compete to a tiny fraction of sales needed to support the has-been company known as Colt. This is the same time that Colt decided to quit producing the much more sought-after Python yet people have been clamoring ever since for more Pythons.

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