Newer ones are more straight on that part of the wood. 1995 Fender Stratocaster Surf Green. You got a great deal. To achieve the more wallet friendly retail value, slightly different materials are used, but the MiM (made in Mexico) strats are designed to reach the same performance and overall specs as any other guitar that comes down the main Fender assembly lines. Fretboard Material. 4. Show All Surf Green Ocean Turquoise Burgundy Mist Candy Apple Red Olympic White. Fender offer two Standard Strats - the MIM (Made in Mexico) or Standard Stratocaster, and MIA (Made in America) or American Standard Stratocaster. 1. Fender Classic Series '70s Stratocaster guitar review. Buy Used. Bozeman, MT, United States. Age: 33 Posts: 10. Buy New. Fender knows the audience it’s aiming for with the Player series, and based on the performance of our review Stratocaster, it’s hit the bull’s-eye. Finish. There are good ones and duds from all years, that's my take on it. Fender's modern 'C' neck profile is a decent palm full, with playability as a whole benefiting from fatter, flatter medium jumbo fretwire that facilitates easier bends and feels modern, while retaining enough Fender character. Feb 20, 2009 #1. I had a 2000 or so MiM strat that I didn't like very much, thin frets, neck was ok, not great. 1995 was the first year that Fender producted the Made in Mexico series guitars. Feb 20, 2009 #5. MIM with Black logo on the headstock. Show All Rosewood Maple. The above values still apply to all MIM Standard Stratocaster made between 1986 to 2000; Mint 98%: $450.00 USD Exc+ 95%: $350.00 USD Exc 90%: $300.00 USD VG+ 80%: $250.00 USD VG 70%: $200.00 … 1995 Fender Stratocaster Squier Series Made in Mexico review, demo, repair, upgrades, and more. I have a '74 strat that I think is an incredible guitar, but it's a CBS fender w/a 3-bolt neck - bad reputation, but a great guitar! The 90s necks are easy to identify because of the finish and the outward curve of the wood under the Fender/Stratocaster logo. With a price difference of around $600 brand new, the MIM is seen as a way of getting Fender quality on a relatively small budget. Mark's Guitars. Yesterday I had to go out and buy some guitar strings at Sam Ash in Tampa, and while there tried out two guitars, the above being one of them, a Fender Classic Series '70s Stratocaster in natural finish with the maple neck/maple fingerboard.. And yes, the exact guitar above is the one I tried out. MiM (made in Mexico) Fender has taken to producing standard strats in Mexico with a slightly lower targeted price range than normal. Your Stratocaster was made in Ensenada, Mexico in 1995. 1973fbodyz TDPRI Member. That's without question an MIM neck from an above-Standard model (which always had the gold Fender waterslide logo and serial number on the back). 1995 MIM strat Discussion in 'Stratocaster Discussion Forum' started by 1973fbodyz, Feb 20, 2009. Great guitar. My better half sent me a phone text with a picture of a candy-apple red '95 MIM strat with a rosewood fretboard. If I remember correctly. Reviews. Featured Listing. Sure, there will be those who’ll knock some of the non-1950s aspects of this guitar, but I say try it before you deny it. I owned a 1996 MIM at one point.
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