Data is from Sep 1981 and is on a 1/4 deg global grid. Monthly gridded anomalies of air temperature from the GHCN-M and the NOAA ERSST V4 dataset. 2011 (thus data cover 1991-Feb. 2011). gridMET blends spatial attributes of gridded climate data from PRISM with desirable temporal attributes (and additional variables) from regional reanalysis using climatically aided interpolation. These gridded products allow forecasters at the NWS to provide specific forecast information every 1.5 miles for a variety of weather elements, such as waves, winds, temperatures, and weather. Monthly gridded global PDSI (Palmer Drought Severity Index) values from 1850-2010 from NCAR. See the related. Through an act of Congress in 1890, the predecessor to the National Weather Service (NWS) was formed and given the mandate (among other responsibilities) to monitor the climate of the United States. Gridded global SST anomalies from 1856-present derived from UK Met Office SST data which has had sophisticated statistical techniques applied to it to fill in gaps. Daymet is a dataset of estimates of gridded surfaces of minimum and maximum temperature, precipitation occurrence and amount, humidity, shortwave radiation, and snow water equivalent. Produced weekly on a 1° grid. The dataset variables have been generated using the. Many hydrologic models will take gridded rain data ⦠Historic Station Data. NOAA High-resolution Blended Analysis of Daily SST and Ice. Global gridded (5°x5°) monthly anomalies of observed air temperature and combined observed air and marine temperature (. The ETH precipitation data set results from the work of Schmidli et al. A large subset of this data is available from NOAA/PSL in its original 4 times daily format and as daily averages. South America daily precipitation from gauges on 1.0 and 2.5 degree grids. A subset of the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis has been processed to create monthly means of the original data, and in some cases, derived variables or other statistics. Gridded Forecast Datasets. Gridded OLR data from NCEP without interpolation. Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station data (CHIRPS) is a 35+ year quasi-global rainfall data set. GHCN V2 contains gridded precipitation anomalies calculated from the GHCN version 2 monthly precipitation data set. It includes a standard and enhanced version (with NCEP Reanalysis) from 1979 to near the present. NCC1-2005: NCC1-2005 High Resolution Gridded Precipitation Data Set. Boulder, CO 80305-3328, Profiler Network Data & Image GHCN V2 contains gridded precipitation anomalies calculated from the GHCN ⦠Boulder, CO 80305-3328, Profiler Network Data & Image Before the analysis is computed, the satellite data is adjusted for biases. RF0p25: IMD RF0p25[gridded] RF0p5: IMD RF0p5[gridded] In-situ point measurements are ingested into the PRISM (Parameter elevation Regression on Independent Slopes Model) statistical mapping system. A large subset of this data is available from NOAA/PSL in its original 4 times daily format and as daily averages. A state-of-the-art analysis/forecast system is used to perform data assimilation using data from 1979 through 2003. NCC1-2008: NCC1-2008 High Resolution Gridded Precipitation Data Set. Gridded daily 1x1 OLR CDR data from NCDC interpolated to -90 to 90. Monthly global gridded high resolution station (land) data for air temperature and precipitation from 1900-2014. Global surface marine data from 1800 to near the present summarized in monthly gridded formats (2°x2° boxes, or 1°x1° boxes from 1960 forward), and offering a variety of statistics. Library, Analysis & Plotting SST's plus SST's simulated by sea-ice cover. MIDAS-Open. Long-term average datasets are modeled with PRISM using a digital elevation model (DEM) as the predictor grid. Several statistics such as number of observations are included in separate files. Subjectively identified areas of large-scale organized convection over the global tropics have been gridded daily for a 15-year period from 1971 to 1988. Global Precipitation Climatology Project monthly precipitation dataset from 1979-present combines observations and satellite precipitation data into 2.5°x2.5° global grids. South America daily precipitation from gauges on 1.0 and 2.5 degree grids. Monthly Gridded CPC Soil Moisture from a model from 1948 to present. An open access archive of UK weather data. CPC .25x.25 Daily US Unified Precipitation High resolution gridded precipitation ⦠A subset of the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis has been processed to create monthly means of the original data, and in some cases, derived variables or other statistics. Climate Hazards Group Infrared Precipitation with Stations (CHIrPS) data 55 are annual mean precipitation data provided as tiff raster layers with near global coverage. NCEP's hourly gridded US station precipitation from 1948. 2,064 homogeneity adjusted precipitation stations were combined with a data set containing 20,590 raw precipitation stations throughout the world onto a 72x36 (5degx5deg) global grid. NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Products Derived at NOAA/PSL, NOAA's Outgoing Longwave Radiation–Daily Climate Data Record (OLR–Daily CDR): NOAA/PSL Interpolated Version. Annual, seasonal and monthly long term means for temperature and salinity at multiple depth. Gridded precipitation data must be stored as a precipitation grid before it can be used in the meteorologic model. Gridded climate data of site-based surface observations or satellite data: - Time coverage: Site-based data are used to provide gridded climate data at the daily and monthly timescale for rainfall (1900+), maximum and minimum temperature (1910+), ⦠Data are available on a daily time step, at a 1 km x 1 km spatial resolution for North America as input station density allows. However it is gridded data for the entire world rather than just one country. GCIP/EOP Surface: Precipitation NCEP/EMC 4KM Gridded Data (GRIB) Stage IV Data Summary The Stage IV analysis is based on the multi-sensor hourly/6-hourly 'Stage III' analyses (on local 4km polar-stereographic grids) produced by the 12 River Forecast Centers (RFCs) in ⦠See the Interpolated OLR dataset for an interpolated version. Daily Gridded CPC Temperature from the GTS for 1979 to present. Data, 5, 71-99 Livneh daily CONUS near-surface gridded meteorological and derived hydrometeorological data. It includes a standard and enhanced version (with NCEP Reanalysis) from 1979 to near the present. Becher, A et al (2013): A description of the global land-surface precipitation data products of the Global Precipitation Climatology Centre with sample applications including centennial (trend) analysis from 1901âpresent. The dataset variables have been generated using the. NOAA Global Surface Temperature (NOAAGlobalTemp), NOAA's Precipitation Reconstruction (PREC), NOAA's Precipitation Reconstruction over Land (PREC/L), PSL South America Daily Gridded Precipitation, North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR), Northern Hemisphere EASE-Grid Snow Cover and Sea Ice Extent, NOAA-CIRES-DOE 20th Century Reanalysis V3, U. of Delaware Precipitation and Air Temperature. Datasets uses 3D Var to fill gaps. High and low spatial resolution grids are defined such that the high-resolution grid is 0.250 × 0.250 (lat×lon) while the low resolution grid is 50 × 50. Monthly global gridded high resolution station (land) data for air temperature and precipitation from 1900-2014. NCEP's hourly gridded US station precipitation from 1948. (2015) hydrometeorological dataset consists of gridded daily and monthly precipitation, maximum and minimum air temperature, and wind speed for the continental US, southern Canada, and Mexico for the period 1950-2013. The large number of variables enables many additional studies of climate variability and extremes. GPCC Full Data Reanalysis (GPCC_FD) with high accuracy, for, e.g., verification of models, or for analysis of historic global precipitation, or for research concerning the global water cycle, e.g., trend and teleconnection analyses. National and regional climate statistics for the UK. Monthly 1x1 SST dataset from 1891 to present from the JMA. The Gridded 5km GHCN-Daily Temperature and Precipitation Dataset (nClimGrid) consists of four climate variables derived from the GHCN-D dataset: maximum temperature, minimum temperature, average temperature and precipitation. This CONUS daily dataset from 1915 to 2011 is 1/16 resolution. The data may be from radar sources or ⦠Livneh gridded precipitation and other meteorological variables for continental US, Mexico and southern Canada. NOAA-CIRES 20th Century Reanalysis V2c contains objectively-analyzed 4-dimensional weather maps and their uncertainty from the mid 19th century to 21st century. Locating the nearest precipitation monitoring station to a site of interest often proves challenging. Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS/NASA) surface temperature analysis for the globe; globally gridded at a 2x2 resolution. A state-of-the-art analysis/forecast system is used to perform data assimilation using data from 1979 through 2003. High Resolution Daily Gridded Temperature Data Set. Global Precipitation Climatology Project monthly precipitation dataset from 1979-present combines observations and satellite precipitation data into 2.5°x2.5° global grids. Library, Analysis & Plotting Climate series for a selection of historic UK observing stations. GHCN V2 contains gridded precipitation anomalies calculated from the GHCN version 2 monthly precipitation data set. Gridded data are available for a range of variables in NetCDF and GeoTiff formats. 325 Broadway Daily Gridded CPC Precipitation for 1979 to present. NCEP's twice-daily global analysis at 2.5° resolution on pressure levels which is a product of their operational forecast system. Detailed Description: The monthly data set consists of two files containing monthly averaged precipitation rate values. The present work presents a new observational gridded dataset (referred to as Iberia01) for daily precipitation and temperatures produced using a dense network (thousands) of stations over the Iberian Peninsula for the period 1971â2015 at 0.1 â regular (and 0.11 â CORDEX-compliant rotated) resolutions. The precipitation data are quality-controlled, multi-sensor (radar and rain gauge) precipitation estimates obtained from National Weather Service (NWS) River Forecast Centers (RFCs) and mosaicked by National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP). The data are relatively good. Tools, CPC .25x.25 Daily US Unified Precipitation, GHCN version 2 Land Precipitation Dataset, Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC). NOAA-CIRES-DOE 20th Century Reanalysis V3 contains objectively-analyzed 4-dimensional weather maps and their uncertainty from the early 19th century to the 21st century. station gague data : CRU TS Gridded precipitation and other meteorological variables since 1901 : Climatic Research Unit (CRU) / Ian Harris, Phil Jones : Global: 1900/12 to 2015/11: Climatology, Monthly : 0.5x0.5 : netCDF, ascii Spatial climate datasets are available as two dimensional gridded datasets and many can be downloaded for free in ARC ASCII format. 325 Broadway 2,064 homogeneity adjusted precipitation stations were combined with a data set containing 20,590 raw precipitation stations throughout the world onto a 72x36 (5degx5deg) global grid. These datasets can be ported into a GIS or similar spatial data visualisation tool, and can be used to investigate the data or generate individual maps. Search for articles, products, and data at the National Centers for Environmental Information Search Field: Search button: Home > Climate Monitoring > Temp, Precip, and Drought > GHCN Gridded Products Tools, CPC .25x.25 Daily US Unified Precipitation, CRU Air Temperature and Combined Air Temperature/Marine Anomalies V4, GHCN version 2 Land Precipitation Dataset, Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC). By far, the most common use of gridded precipitation is for data collected by weather radar. The gridded database is derived from a monthly precipitation database maintained by the State Climatology Office. GHCN V3 contains gridded temperature anomalies calculated from the GHCN version 3 monthly temperature data set. I want to know how to create MONTHLY gridded data set based on point-based observational data (synoptic stations) for the rainfall and temperature. The HadUK-Grid dataset More Information. Monthly and pentad global gridded precipitation means. Met Office UK Climate Series. The precipitation data have been used to assess global precipitation variability and to derive gridded drought indices such as the sc-PDSI and the SPI. NCEP's high resolution combined model and assimilated dataset. NOAA-CIRES 20th Century Reanalysis V2c contains objectively-analyzed 4-dimensional weather maps and their uncertainty from the mid 19th century to 21st century. Monthly 1x1 SST dataset from 1850 to present from the JMA. The anomalies are the percentage difference between the value for a given year or season and a baseline value (defined as the average over 1961-1990 as the reference period). Marine data gathered by NCEP summarized into ICOADS-compatible (2°x2° box) statistics. To aid in better understanding the temperature and precipitation data of the spatially variable climate of Alaska and Northwest Canada, this dataset was created via statistical downscaling methods so that hydrologists and other users would have access to gridded estimates (two km resolution) of cumulative precipitation and mean temperature for every ⦠The atlas contains annual, seasonal, and monthly long term means for temperature and salinity at multiple depths. Canadian Gridded Temperature and Precipitation Anomalies (CANGRD) CANGRD is a set of Canadian gridded annual, seasonal, and monthly temperature and precipitation anomalies, which were interpolated from stations in the Adjusted and Homogenized Canadian Climate Data (AHCCD); it is used to produce the Climate Trends and Variations Bulletin (CTVB). Monthly and monthly long-term means are also available. PRISM is a set of monthly, yearly, and single-event gridded data products of mean temperature and precipitation, max/min temperatures, and dewpoints, primarily for the United States. (. NOAA High-resolution Blended Analysis of Daily SST and Ice. Gridded data. You should be able to trim it down to the region you are interested in using R. A state-of-the-art analysis/forecast system is used to perform data assimilation using data from 1948 to the present. In the last 10 years, additional gridded forecast products have been developed by the National Weather Service. Earth Syst. High resolution gridded precipitation over the US (from station data) for 1948 to 2006 extending to the present for a real-time version. Several statistics, including nobs are included in separate files, along with two "mask" files. GHCN CAMS is a high resolution (0.5x0.5) analyzed global land surface temperatures from 1948 to near present. This CONUS daily dataset from 1915 to 2011 is 1/16 resolution. The enhanced file also includes blended NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Precipitation values. High resolution gridded precipitation over the US (from station data) for 1948 to 2006 extending to the present for a real-time version. 2,064 homogeneity adjusted precipitation stations were combined with a data set containing 20,590 raw precipitation stations throughout the world onto a 72x36 (5degx5deg) global grid. A global monthly SST analysis from 1854 to the present derived from ICOADS data with missing data filled in by statistical methods. More information. The NetCDF datasets are arranged in annual blocks where each file contains all of the grids for the selected year and variable. The NSIDC weekly snowcover and ice dataset has been interpolated to a 1°x1° Northern Hemisphere grid and a monthly time-scale covering 1971 to 1995. NCEP's twice-daily global analysis at 2.5° resolution on pressure levels which is a product of their operational forecast system. The normals are baseline datasets describing average monthly and annual conditions over the most recent three full decades.They are our most popular datasets. 20th Century Reanalysis contains objectively-analyzed 4-dimensional weather maps and their uncertainty from the late 19th century to 21st century. Daily Gridded CPC Precipitation for 1979 to present. Gridded daily and monthly OLR data from NCAR with temporal interpolation. GPCC Global Precipitation Climatology Centre monthly precipitation dataset from 1901-present is calculated from global station data. High Resolution Multi-level ocean analysis from NCEP. Production of this dataset at PSL was phased out effective in Mar. Monthly and pentad global gridded precipitation means. 20th Century Reanalysis contains objectively-analyzed 4-dimensional weather maps and their uncertainty from the late 19th century to 21st century. Each file provides monthly values in a 5x5 lat/lon grid for the Continental United States. The gridded precipitation data are interpolated from adjusted precipitation (i.e., AHCCD datasets). Sci. NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Products Derived at NOAA/PSL, NOAA's Precipitation Reconstruction (PREC), NOAA's Precipitation Reconstruction over Land (PREC/L), PSL South America Daily Gridded Precipitation, North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR), NOAA-CIRES-DOE 20th Century Reanalysis V3, U. of Delaware Precipitation and Air Temperature. It covers 1979 to near present and is provided 8-times daily, daily and monthly on a Northern Hemisphere Lambert Conformal Conic grid for all variables. NOAA-CIRES-DOE 20th Century Reanalysis V3 contains objectively-analyzed 4-dimensional weather maps and their uncertainty from the early 19th century to the 21st century. Precipitation Data Retrieval from a Gridded Database Obtaining a long-term precipitation data time-series can be a difficult and time-consuming process. The Livneh et al. GPCC Global Precipitation Climatology Centre monthly precipitation dataset from 1901-present is calculated from global station data. NOAA PSL Livneh daily CONUS near-surface gridded meteorological and derived hydrometeorological data. (. Gridded rainfall estimates from radar data (GPM DPR, TRMM PR) Overview: The Level 3 DPR product provides space-time statistics of the level 2 DPR results. The resulting product is a spatially and temporally complete, high-resolution (1/24th degree ~4-km) gridded dataset of surface meteorological variables. A state-of-the-art analysis/forecast system is used to perform data assimilation using data from 1948 to the present. The current PRISM normals cover the period 1981-2010.. Gridded UK Climate Data. Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC), DWD, Internet Publikation, 1-12. Values are obtained from 5 kinds of satellite estimates (GPI,OPI,SSM/I scattering, SSM/I emission and MSU) and gauge data. I wonder about the practical use of this approach - the use of gridded rainfall and the 2D hydraulic modeling. The analysis uses in situ and satellite More information. GHCN V2 contains gridded precipitation anomalies calculated from the GHCN version 2 monthly precipitation data set. It covers 1979 to near present and is provided 8-times daily, daily and monthly on a Northern Hemisphere Lambert Conformal Conic grid for all variables. NOAA PSL We analyze mean and extreme indices and compare the results with the ⦠NCEP's high resolution combined model and assimilated dataset.
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