Its called Vaiana in Iceland. However this is not the only significant change to the Moana film, with Disney France actually changing the title of the film from Moana to Vaiana: La Légende du Bout du Monde (Vaiana: The Legend from the End of the Earth). Leaving the island without the heart caused it to collapse and a lava monster named Te Kā to appear and confront Maui, which caused his fishhook and the heart to disappear i… OK, there are other stories of why it was changed, but this is the one I find most entertaining, aka, it must be the […]. That’s not only a French thing. As for that Aladdin song… I should point out that the french canadian version of Aladdin is the only non-english version that was considered “as good as the original” by the original director. Te Fiti, an island goddess, created all life and became an island after falling into deep slumber. […] weekend which required us to be creative about how to spend our time. However this is not the only significant change to the Moana film, with Disney France actually changing the title of the film from Moana to Vaiana: La Légende du Bout du Monde (Vaiana: The Legend from the End of the Earth). She was renamed Vaiana ("Water from the cave") in many European dubs.-She is, with Merida, the second Disney princess to be neither based on a book character or an historical figure.-She also is, like Merida and Elsa, a single princess. So fans are wondering! 1 Personality 2 Disney History 2.1 Moana 3 Songs 4 Gallery 5 Trivia Moana, as Gramma Tala describes, "was born and bird and fly as eagle". He holds a Batchelor of Arts (Hons) and a Batchelor of Pacific studies, Art Ludique Paris to Premiere Disney Exhibit | Animation Magazine, “Vaiana”: nuestro límite está más allá del horizonte - Especial Cine - | Español, “Vaiana”: nuestro límite está más allá del horizonte | Noticias de Aleteia, Moana / Vaiana, la légende du bout du monde – Tanuki no monogatari, Mixed media, Thursday 5 January 2017 – Legends of the Sun Pig, Zwei Stunden ins Paradies mit Vaiana - mit Kinotickets - From Walt Disney Animation Studios comes “Moana,” a sweeping, CG-animated feature film about an adventurous teenager who sails out on a daring mission to … The petition argues that there is no excuse for not casting a Polynesian as Maui and also surely that of Moana as well (whose voice is yet to be heard). […] * when writing this post I found out that the movie is actually called Moana in English speaking count… […], […] Für die englischssprachige Ausgabe wurden Sprecher mit polynesischer Abstammung gecastet, als “Vaiana” bzw. Ah, it’s called Vaiana in Denmark too. A French dubber of African heritage, Frantz Confiac is well known for his voicing of pre-dominantly African-American actors such as Terry Crews, Orlando Jones, Courtney Vance, Tyler Perry and Tracey Morgan. Lmao, this is embarassing. Disney Spain confirmed that the name change was the result of Moana being a registered brand in Spain and other European countries. This however clashes when you consider that her last name Waialiki contains the Hawaiian/Maori cognate word wai also meaning water. I thought it was fine; Fiona loved it and thinks it’s her favourite Disney movie now. Vaiana/Moana: the real life edition | In Baby Attach Mode, Zwei Stunden ins Paradies mit Vaiana - mit Kinotickets - Anyworkingmom, What is transcreation and where is it most used? Films release in Quebec before France. Por eso la película ‘Moana’, será ‘Vaiana’. Moana as well (who’s voice is yet to be heard). Sie ist eigensinnig, willensstark, praktisch furchtlos und stark. Some of you may have noticed that Disney’s new heroine is called Vaiana in most parts of Europe and Moana almost everywhere else. With Disney Spain tweeting that “The ‘Moana’ mark is registered in Spain and in some European countries. :((. 2.1 #5. matias andre. Moana. Moana is the protagonist of Disney's 2016 animated feature film of the same name. hence why they must have a french language version ready. You must change that!!! to just today know that this person exist. However the swap from Moana to Vaiana was claimed to be due to possible trademark issues that the name posed in Europe. Not cool! display: none !important; Moanas Suggested by Moana Suggested by schlacter Police Vaiana Suggested by ... Quote. Obwohl sie Momente der Selbstzweifel hat, ist sie sehr stolz darauf, wer sie ist, und ist im Allgemeinen zu stur, um sich von neuen Herausforderungen zurückzuziehen. after almost 15 years of broadband internet ADSL ? The release of the trailer for Disney’s upcoming film Moana has brought with it a mixture of polarising opinions about representation amongst Polynesian communities. So does this mean that all the music is also going to be translated and re- produced? Maui looking like after he fished up the Islands, he deep fried em and ate em , Posted by Eliota Fuimaono-Sapolu on Wednesday, 22 June 2016. In Serbia and Croatia, also. Schuld daran war ein Pornostar. You just sound like a butthurt French. Moana/Vaiana is a great movie, and definitely one of my favorites by far. I’ve been listening to the soundtrack non-stop, ever since the music came out. Disney’s alteration of film and character names is not an uncommon occurrence for French versions of English films. Which leads me to think that the original cast recorded several versions of some lines of dialogue changing the name for different countries. They aren’t fat, they are broad and strong and round but that isn’t fat. […], […] conoscere le critiche sollevate sul film Oceania dal mondo francofono, vi invito a leggere questo interessante articolo (in inglese) di Mitiana […], […] a single movie title. And instead of making the god look like The Rock (something that actually might not send a great message to kids) we have a god that is chubby, strong and kind. As the French tend to dub, rather than use subtitles, over the original language, it is paramount that Disney should hold the same level of care across all its language versions, and not just solely pandering to the primarily anglo-orientated audience. I live in France and I just bought and watched the movie in English and Moana was called Vaiana all the time throughout the film. Judith CUINIER But to me the main issue here is the total disregard for the fact that there are many pacific islander francophone actors who would have given a certain charm and authenticity to the dubbed French version of the film. One is that the word Moana was already trademarked in Spain, making […], Your email address will not be published. You are not better than anyone else, and just because you are “Polynesian”, it doesn’t mean people should bow down to you. Disney's newest animated feature, Moana, introduces its newest female protagonist, also named… MENU. truetype 53 glyphs 53 characters. Join Free. Mitiana Arbon reflects on the controversies of Disney’s upcoming film Moana and its French-language changes. In the native language of the Alifuru ( Maluku The islands of spices, part of indonesia ) Wai also so means Water. In Quebec, there is a law that requires to translate english words, that’s why, and its perfectly fine. “Moana” war es die erst 14jährige und bisher unbekannte Hawaiianerin Auli’i Cravalho (hier das rührende Castingvideo schauen). But then, for a millennium, their voyages stopped – and no one knows why. However, Vaiana, the legend of the end of the world did not fail to see the light of day. Unlike Disney’s praised attempt to include English speaking Pacific Islanders through an open casting call for Moana, that saw the Hawaiian Auli’i Cavalho and the Samoan Dwayne Johnson cast as Moana and Maui, no such effort has been taken up by Disney France. Indeed, it was necessary to change its original title: Moana in Europe to be authorized on our screens. The term “Moana” is actually a registered trademark in the European Union … For the film to see the light of day in Europe, it had to be renamed! And the crap about who does the voice.. Jeez. Actually, when I saw Maui in the movie, he somehow reminded me of the Hawaiian singer Israel Kamakawiwoʻole, who was a great man (both literally and figuratively), so I instantly loved the character . Te Fiti's heart, a small pounamu stone, was sought after by the monstrous forces of the sea, until it was stolen by the demigod Maui. Hours later, Maui rushed to Moana's side and apologized to her. Can i just speak on behalf of all french people that “trouver nemo” sounds freaking dumb, often it sounds a lot better to take some creative license (un reve bleu vs un nouveau monde) and the quebec translators have slight identity issues (why do they need their own dub, all other french speaking countries that i know of just use the french? […] Für die englischssprachige Ausgabe wurden Sprecher mit polynesischer Abstammung gecastet, als „Vaiana“ bzw. We do not have any pornstars or trademarks registered, everyone is pretty confused about this.. Let French, Spanish and Italians deal with their problems themselves, why other countries in EU still have Vaiana?! We are taught that we are all equal, yet we need “representation” of french polynesian people to do the voices. The same in Slovakia and Czech Republic, Vaiana. Star Wars wins virtual reality attraction at Disney. Other commentators have taken a more critical position, suggesting that the change to Vaiana may actually be an attempt to distance and prevent confusion of the character with the already famous Italian porn star, actress, writer and cofounder of the Love Party of Italy, Moana Pozzi, which has been cited as the reason for the films rebranding as ‘Oceania’ in Italian. .hide-if-no-js { […], […] ? So did I, in Bordeaux ! End of story. Like it was a fact that it once was good to be chubby, when white, since that indicated that you had money. Ebenfalls wurde der Film umbenannt, aus „Moana“ (Hawaiianisch/ Maori für Meer) wurde „Vaiana“ (in Anlehnung an vai, Wasser auf Tahitianisch) – anscheinend, weil in Teilen von Europa die Marke „Moana“ geschützt sei. So the film ‘Moana’, will be Vaiana.”. During her journey, Vaiana meets the once powerful demigod, Maui. Sep … Moana is set to appear in the Disney+ sequel series Moana: The Series, which is set to … Though she has moments of self-doubt, she has great pride in who she is, and is generally too stubborn to back away from new challenges. | Andrea Shah | Marketing translator | Miami, FL. In keeping with the times, young and old loved this film. Being overweight is almost a status symbol. Recent debates on the representation of the demi-god Maui have gained particular traction through the sharing of a meme by Samoan footballer Eliota Fuimaono Sapolu on Facebook, and a similarly scathing critique by New Zealand Labour MP Jennifer Teresia Salesa, highlighting the negetaive stereotyping of Polynesians in the media. Moana/Vaiana is a great movie, and definitely one of my favorites by far. I think people should grow up.. It’s a movie and they’re portraying Maui as a big man, and that’s okay. Why is that??? Meanwhile Tamatoa returns from his flipped back behind and seeks revenge on Moana and Maui. Mar 10, 2018 at 01:44 . The title character throughout Europe has the name " … He will be more powerful than ever. […] the fact that Newt Scamander is the world’s worst wizard. And for good reason …. Moana or Vaiana, the great movie nevertheless. ROME – Disney’s “Moana” will soon roll out across Italy – but under a new name, “Oceania,” a change widely believed to be prompted by the fact that the name of the … The weird thing is that in spite of the fact that we were hearing the original English voices, the character was referred to throughout as Vaiana. Upload. The movie will start next week in Austria, also as Vaiana…Don’t ask me why! Aug 02, 2017 at 15:52 . C'est quand même mieux non ?! Together, they sail across the open ocean on an action-packed … -Her name means ocean. Alright, still makes me wonder why they wouldnt have chosen to go with a different name everywhere. While we are yet to hear the voice of further characters, one can only hope that they will change Maui, or at least try to include the voice of French Pacific Islanders in other roles. Novagraaf’s Anca Draganescu-Pinawin explains the disparity. Or are the songs in English and multiple Polynesian languages, e.g. Vaiana hebt sich laut Gramma Talavon der Masse ab. They make STOP signs “arretez” signs.) Pua, Moana's pet pig, means "offspring" or "flower," and may be short for "pua'a" meaning "pig." Moana and Maui are getting engaged and Maui tried to asked Moana to marry him. […] Moana, and they couldn’t have the audience being confused, obviously! The film was released in those countries to … Quote. Rainbow Six: Siege ‘crashing’ when you enter the match? Three thousand years ago, the greatest sailors in the world voyaged across the vast Pacific, discovering the many islands of Oceania. Vaiana, the title of the Asian and most of the European releases, means "fresh water". It’s a question of respect. A font inspired by Disney… Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Really? Together, they cross the ocean on a journey full of action and humor. Tui, Moana's father, is the name of a bird native to New … Ah, it’s called Vaiana in Denmark too. There were no scandinavians in Frozen. “The adventure of a teenage girl full of character who sets out to sea to prove to herself that she is an explorer and to pursue the quest for her ancestors. Animated films in general tend to be dubbed over when broadcast outside their original language. Of particular note for French speaking Pacific Islanders is the total lack of Polynesian in Disney France’s Moana. The synopsis? Medium Style. Sorry but in correct English it should be ‘whose voice is yet to be heard’!! There’s actually a version of the songs in which Moana is reffered to as Vaiana, but, strangely enough, they did not change the title of the song ‘I am Moana’ to ‘I am Vaiana’. Samoa and Tokelau, produced by Te Vaka going to be the same in the French version??? Lyrics to 'I Am Moana (Song of the Ancestors)' by Disney: [Gramma Tala:] I know a girl from an island She stands apart from the crowd She loves the sea and her … In the French version she is also called Vaiana. JoannaVu. First, people want to see different body types, instead of sticks, and as soon as they get them they cry ‘racism!’ FRANCE. Facebook inflated metrics to increase ad revenue, CoD Black Ops Cold War and Warzone: All Season 2, Apple seeks engineers to develop 6G technology, LG will help Apple build its foldable phone, Samsung One UI 3.1 is updated: What’s for the camera, VAIO Z, this is the lightweight 3D printed laptop, The Medium’s creators are working on “a horror IP”, CoD Black Ops Cold War and Warzone Season 2 | Date, Nvidia announces GPU series for cryptocurrency mining. What’s wrong with wanting things in our own language? Disney's Moana was renamed to Vaiana in Europe due to a trademark dispute. By presenting a free and determined female character who wants to protect Mother Nature, the animated film called Moana (“Sea” in Tahitian) in its original version, thus intends to convey a very strong message. In many European countries, the name of the titular character, Moana, was changed to Vaiana due to a trademark conflict. Firstly, in regard to Maui being a huge overweight islander , this is in keeping with pacific island culture where men, and particular the elders/chiefs, are fed first, gifted food etc. It’s a fact, that it once was a good thing, to have fat on your body, as a higher class (Chiefs and Gods, as an example) But I don’t mind, tho. ”, Vaiana is nothing like the princess movies and other fairy tales of the house. Today, we zoom in on the animated film on Disney +: Vaiana which marked our minds and we tell you more about its title! While the name change isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it does create a little linguistic confusion. No one complained then. How about the rude using of name of the King of ️Tahiti, Tamatoa as a silly character!!! Heihei, Moana's pet rooster, means "chicken" in Maori. Sie kann sich trotz ihrer Größe als imposante … And for good reason … However, Vaiana, the legend of the end of the world did not fail to see the light of day. That’s why the movie ‘Moana’ will be ‘Vaiana’,’ Disney’s Spanish arm explained in a tweet last year. Yet no one is happy. This is a really thoughtful and well written article. […] Big Hero 6 (2014), Zootopia (2015), and the latest big screen adventure: Moana, known in France as Vaiana […], Moana in maori means oceam when you see the trailer could observe the girl and the water from the oceam become one playing…I really don’t fine a real excusse to change the name to vaiana,…about the port woman with similar name in france, no even me. So they decided to put their vows … Free download of Moanas Font. Young Vaiana arrived on our Disney + screens with her strong character and big heart. Following the release of the official Moana trailer last month, many French Pacific Islanders took to social media to express their anger at the lack of inclusion by Disney France, arguing that a French Polynesian should voice Maui and Moana in the same way as the English version does. Which may seem slightly cheap. Indeed, it turns out that Disney was forced to rename its film Vaiana in France and in Europe. }, Mitiana Arbon is a PhD student at the Australian National University, looking at art in the Pacific. Moana Waialiki of Motunui is the eponymous character of Walt Disney Animation Studios's 56th animated feature Moana (2016). Ebenfalls wurde der Film umbenannt, aus “Moana” (Hawaiianisch/ Maori für Meer) wurde “Vaiana” (in Anlehnung an vai, Wasser auf Tahitianisch) – anscheinend, weil in Teilen von Europa die Marke “Moana” geschützt sei. However, american audiences + disney are quick to criticise this as the suppression of diversity, which is a little hypocritical since they have never had to face these problems themselves in dubbing etc. Today, we zoom in on the animated film on Disney +: Vaiana which marked our spirits and we tell you more about its title! Considering that France has a strong Pacific presence and cultural ties in the region – through its overseas collectivities of French Polynesia, Wallis & Futuna and New Caledonia – it seems strange that Disney would not follow the same stringent inclusive attitude that it has taken for the English version; that there are a high number of Tahitians, Marquesans, Wallisian and Futunan throughout France, there is really no excuse. This is some BS of people who want 15 minutes of fame by being offended. Solche Feinheiten gehen bei der deutschen Version natürlich leider etwas verloren, trotzdem ist der Film witzig übersetzt (und ich bin da sehr heikel).
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