Every government, every religion, and every preacher - including the speaker (laughs) - talks about peace. They have given attention to kill other human beings, so the atom bomb came into being. Please read our short guide how to send a book to Kindle. They have talked endlessly about peace. And then what it says will be what it has discovered, not what other people have said. Does it interest you? - through analysis, or that analysis may bring you certain intellectual conclusions, or you put all the analytical factors together and see the whole. May we get up? They have their own theories, their own way and there are thousands of people who are following them, all over the world - quantities of money, really enormous wealth, not only the wealth of the Roman Catholic church but also the wealth of the gurus. All want to achieve something. In 1985, photographer Mark Edwards was on hand to record the talks that Krishnamurti announced would be his last at Saanen. NÓI CHUYỆN CUỐI CÙNG 1985. Christ, Our Passover . Last Talks at Saanen 1985! You haven't talked but K has talked. Please consider this, don't reject it. The Saanen Museum exhibition: J. Krishnamurti in Saanen – 1961-1985, which ran for three months last summer and is running again for four months this winter-spring. But if one wants to live very honestly, which is absolutely necessary, to live with great austere honesty, not to someone, to one's country, to one's ideal, but to say exactly what you mean and what you mean you say. May we stop now? Right? There was a problem previewing this document. He is conditioned through experience, his knowledge, his way of looking at life, his peculiar tendencies, his prejudices (noise of train) his religious programme - being programmed religiously, all this is the past, all this is the background of his life, from childhood. Last Talks at Saanen 1985 J. Krishnamurti, First Public Talk in Saanen, 7 July 1985 I see some old faces I can recognise. On the contrary it is total freedom from all that. In a forest the little tree is struggling against the gigantic trees for light. And also we continued about other things for he was there for several days. 4 months ago. To the Elderly in the Church October 1989. Where should one begin? Calvin struggled to open his eyes. And if there is a cause then let's discover what the cause is. It all ends up in money. SAANEN, BROCKWOOD PARK. If one accepts that, that it is natural, inevitable, there is nothing more to be said about it, because you say it is natural, we will go on that way because we are part of the whole earth. Last Talks at Saanen 1985. Des milliers de livres avec la livraison chez vous en 1 jour ou en magasin avec -5% de réduction . What is the cause of it? Surely that is not love, is it? Everywhere there is struggle. You may be highly educated, the other may have no education at all, doesn't even know how to read and write, but it is still part of that - right? Edition: First Edition. Saturday Morning Session. My country has been divided by thought. Or we are committed to a certain symbol, religious or otherwise, and we cling to that, hoping that symbol, that - what lies behind that symbol helps us. You understand? The last Minuteman II silo was destroyed outside of Whiteman AFB. And also we discussed, talked over, debated this point: what is the cause of it? In spite of their propaganda, in spite of human beings programmed from their childhood, they are encouraged to be aggressive, or to be gentle, or to go, face the world for themselves, alone, fighting - you know all that. We were told the other day you couldn't have slums in this marvellous climate - though it has been raining day after day, but let's hope during these meetings that we have fairly good weather. You, Mr.X, and Mr.K, where are we in this? Born in India, belonging to a certain type of people, tradition, religious, or very, very, very orthodox, and you have gathered all that. You might say everywhere on earth, in nature, there is conflict, some kind of struggle going on. Or belonging to some sect, some guru, follow him, escaping from the world; put on some medieval dress or modern robes of peculiar colour and all the rest of it? Main Last Talks at Saanen, 1985. You are sitting there, that is actual, but I can imagine that you are sitting there which is totally different. (laughs) - but together, as two human beings who have gone through a great deal of life: the loneliness, the desperation, the anxiety, the uncertainty, wanting love and not finding it, or loving and not being satisfied with that, always pushing, pushing, pushing, always wanting to achieve something, whether it is heaven, or illumination, or enlightenment, or become a multimillionaire, which is more or less the same thing. Loading Related Books. Passion doesn't include fanaticism, passion doesn't demand martyrdom - right? Bruce R. McConkie. So I am asking, the speaker, K is asking Mr.X. So let us explore this curse which man has borne from the beginning of time: why man - which includes woman, please - why man lives this way, why man is in conflict in his own intimate relationship, sexually, in a family, the whole network of conflict - right? I won't accept a thing from you, nor will you accept a thing from me. Are we together? You are the Mr.X. Couldn't preview file. He is fairly well-read, gone to various Institutions; sometimes he joined them, and with a rush he got out of them; he followed one guru or another and gave them up. Is there such a difference in oneself as the subject and the object? So is it possible, living in the twentieth century, or now, to live inwardly first, psychologically first, subjectively, not to have in oneself any kind of division? The Last Gasp by Trevor Hoyle (1st Zebra Books printing, March 1985) $27.49. We have had leaders galore - hundreds, political, religious, those who say, 'We are illumined, we have attained' - whatever they have attained. You follow? And what shall we do? I have sexually been satisfied with you, or you are companionable, or I am lonely and therefore I depend on you. January 1992 Koreas Agree to … May I go on with this conversation? Elder McConkie - Last Conference Talk - Part 1 of 2. And he looked at the various political parties: extreme Left, extreme Right, Centre and the spectrum of political activities. So Mr.X said to the speaker: let's talk, let us question each other, never accepting what he says, or what you say. (laughter), Γίνε συνδρομητής στην Περιοδική μας έκδοση. The talks and question and answer meetings collected in this volume present quintessential Krishnamurti themes. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. We sow, which is you have come here, which is part of sowing. 72 72 - The Book Of Oneself.pdf. General Conference, April 1985 "I feel, and the Spirit seems to accord, that the most important doctrine I can declare, and the most powerful testimony I can bear is one of the atoning sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ. That is, can human beings in this world, living their daily life, going to the office, keeping a house, sex, children and all that, and also this search, this longing for something much more than the mere material things of life. Apres vous: After you! Find out. The Greeks had the Athena with several breasts - I think four on each side - representing that she was the mother of the earth - mother as the earth. What is the raison d'etre, or the cause of this conflict, not only outwardly but also most deeply, inwardly, subjectively, inside the skin as it were, why is he in conflict? I doubt whether Mr.X - I ask him: do you see this reality, not a concept of it, not an idea of it, not the beautiful conclusion but the actuality of it? April 1985. Right? So our brain is the centre of our consciousness, with all the nervous responses, sensory responses, centre of all our knowledge, all experience, knowledge, memory. Preview. Last talks at Saanen, 1985. And you have listened to K and Mr.X what have you gathered? He died less than a year later in California at the age of 90. We have had thousands of leaders, political, economic, religious, sectarian, and they have been utterly helpless. They have all passion of a certain type but they have become fanatical, inclined to martyrdom, and all the rest of that business. You have to gather knowledge to go to your house, how to drive a car, to speak a foreign language, you have to gather words, verbal irregularities and all the rest of it, but inwardly is it necessary to gather at all? Either the discovery will be intellectual - right? Under a microscope, when you look at something very attentively, that very attention gives greater light to that which is being observed - right? Overcome, conquer, suppress, transcend, all these are efforts in minor or major form - right? 76 … So my brain which has evolved through a long period of time, that brain with its consciousness is not mine because my consciousness, Mr.X is saying, I have read something about what you have said, I am not repeating what you have said, but this is what I also feel, see its actuality, that wherever I have been, in every corner of the earth, there are human beings who suffer, pain, anxiety, desperate loneliness (noise of train) - and so our consciousness is shared by all other human beings. Am I going too fast? So if one may ask: what shall we do together? Send-to-Kindle or Email . We may have come from the ape, probably we have - we must be strange monkeys! In July 1985, after 25 years in Saanen, Krishnamurti announced the end of the Saanen Gatherings. So is it possible not to gather at all? And one might say we are also part of this whole nature so it is inevitable that we should be in constant struggle. Enlightenment is not gathering. You understand what.? This is a very serious question. Where it is far away from us, each one of us, we are so indifferent - or rather are more indifferent. In 1985, photographer Mark Edwards was on hand to record the talks that Krishnamurti announced would be his last at Saanen. So our brains are not ours, they have evolved through a long period of time. And in that there is tremendous passion, not lust, passion. It has immense capacity, immense, incredible energy. - who can invent gods and goddesses and everything, why have human beings all over the world, why are they in perpetual conflict? Are we at all concerned, or are we seeking some peculiar satisfaction, gratification for ourselves? Is there an answer to this question, a final, irrefutable answer? May I, may the speaker inform you of a conversation he had with a Mr.X, may I? Your brain is like the brain of every other human being. So one begins to discover the root of conflict. Contents. I wonder if Mr.X understands what the speaker is saying.
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